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Courting God – Travails of a Jesuit Wannabe (Part 2)

The journey had begun long before I joined the Jesuit Prenovitiate at the Arvisu House. The Jesuit Promotions Team in the Philippines invited young men to attend the Vocation Workshop in December 2001 at the Sacred Heart Novitiate in Novaliches. The workshop was an introduction […]


8 mins

Church History – Thoughts and Insights: Protestantism and Missions

This continues my thoughts and insights gained from a Church history course. It was said Luther didn’t intend to leave the Catholic Church when he started causing protestations surrounding the abuse of selling indulgences. Doctrinal differences may have surfaced later on and had indeed reinforced […]


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8 mins

Church History – Thoughts and Insights: Protestantism and Missions

This continues my thoughts and insights gained from a Church history course. It was said Luther didn’t intend to leave the Catholic Church when he started causing protestations surrounding the abuse of selling indulgences. Doctrinal differences may have surfaced later on and had indeed reinforced […]

